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The Driehaus Museum
40 E. Erie St
Hours: Tues to Sun. 10am to 5pm
The Richard H. Driehaus Museum is a hidden treasure in the center of the cathedral district in Chicago's River North. We interview Richard Townsend, the Executive Director, as he gives us an insight into the rich history of the museum and what you can expect to find when you enter the front doors. Completed in 1883, the Nickerson Mansion is the perfect backdrop for a museum that specializes in art, architecture and design. The Driehaus always has a multitude of events and exhibitions taking place. You can tour the home, see an exhibit or even come to a private concert!
For the Driehaus Museum site and a list of all the exhibitions, click here.
GT Prime and GT Fish & Oyster
Prime: 707 N Wells St, Fish & Oyster: 531 N Wells
On the ever expanding Wells St hub, a once thriving furniture retail section has now become host to many restaurants, including two of Chicago's best restaurants - GT Prime and GT Fish & Oyster. Flagged by famed Chicago restauranteur and chef, Guiseppe Tentori, these two restaurants mystify the tongue and play at the mind! Chicago Lifesytle was lucky enough to sit down with Guiseppe himself to see why he loved River North so much that he put two of his three restaurants here. GT Prime, the newest adventure of the Boka Restaurant Group, is a different take on the classic steakhouse but done with a flare that only Mr. Tentori is known to bring to his dishes. On top of award winning meals, the atmosphere will draw you in. There is something primal about animal trophies, rich fabrics, mood lighting and watching the chefs cook over open fire.
For the websites and to reserve your spot, click here for GT Prime and here for GT Fish & Oyster.